The GROBID Web API provides a simple and efficient way to use the tool. A service console is available to test GROBID in a human friendly manner. For production and benchmarking, we strongly recommand to use this web service mode on a multi-core machine and to avoid running GROBID in the batch mode.
You can check whether the service is up and running by opening the following URL:
Use GROBID test console
On your browser, the welcome page of the Service console is available at the URL http://localhost:8070
On the console, the RESTful API can be tested under the TEI
tab for service returning a TEI document, under the PDF
tab for services returning annotations relative to PDF or an annotated PDF and under the Patent
tab for patent-related services
PDF to TEI conversion services
Extract the header of the input PDF document, normalize it and convert it into a TEI XML format.
consolidateHeader is a string of value 0 (no consolidation) or 1 (consolidate, default value).
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST, PUT | multipart/form-data | application/xml | input | required | PDF file to be processed |
| | | consolidateHeader | optional | consolidateHeader is a string of value 0 (no consolidation) or 1 (consolidate, default value) |
You can test this service with the cURL command lines, for instance header extraction from a PDF file in the current directory:
curl -v --form input=@./thefile.pdf localhost:8070/api/processHeaderDocument
Convert the complete input document into TEI XML format (header, body and bibliographical section).
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST, PUT | multipart/form-data | application/xml | input | required | PDF file to be processed |
| | | consolidateHeader | optional | consolidateHeader is a string of value 0 (no consolidation) or 1 (consolidate, default value) |
| | | consolidateCitations | optional | consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate all found citations) |
| | | teiCoordinates | optional | list of element names for which coordinates in the PDF document have to be added, see Coordinates of structures in the original PDF for more details |
You can test this service with the cURL command lines, for instance fulltext extraction (header, body and citations) from a PDF file in the current directory:
curl -v --form input=@./thefile.pdf localhost:8070/api/processFulltextDocument
fulltext extraction and add coordinates to the figures (and tables) only:
> curl -v --form input=@./12248_2011_Article_9260.pdf --form teiCoordinates=figure --form teiCoordinates=biblStruct localhost:8070/api/processFulltextDocument
fulltext extraction and add coordinates for all the supported coordinate elements (sorry for the ugly cURL syntax on this, but that's how cURL is working!):
> curl -v --form input=@./12248_2011_Article_9260.pdf --form teiCoordinates=persName --form teiCoordinates=figure --form teiCoordinates=ref --form teiCoordinates=biblStruct --form teiCoordinates=formula localhost:8070/api/processFulltextDocument
Extract and convert all the bibliographical references present in the input document into TEI XML format.
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST, PUT | multipart/form-data | application/xml | input | required | PDF file to be processed |
| | | consolidateCitations | optional | consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate all found citations) |
You can test this service with the cURL command lines, for instance extraction and parsing of all references from a PDF in the current directory without consolidation (default value):
curl -v --form input=@./thefile.pdf localhost:8070/api/processReferences
Raw text to TEI conversion services
Parse a raw date string and return the corresponding normalized date in ISO 8601 embedded in a TEI fragment.
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST, PUT | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | application/xml | date | required | date to be parsed as raw string |
You can test this service with the cURL command lines, for instance parsing of a raw date string:
curl -X POST -d "date=September 16th, 2001" localhost:8070/api/processDate
which will return:
<date when="2001-9-16" />
Parse a raw string corresponding to a name or a sequence of names from a header section and return the corresponding normalized authors in TEI format.
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST, PUT | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | application/xml | names | required | sequence of names to be parsed as raw string |
You can test this service with the cURL command lines, for instance parsing of a raw sequence of header names string:
curl -X POST -d "names=John Doe and Jane Smith" localhost:8070/api/processHeaderNames
which will return:
<persName xmlns="">
<forename type="first">John</forename>
<persName xmlns="">
<forename type="first">Jane</forename>
Parse a raw sequence of names from a bibliographical reference and return the corresponding normalized authors in TEI format.
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST, PUT | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | application/xml | names | required | sequence of names to be parsed as raw string |
You can test this service with the cURL command lines, for instance parsing of a raw sequence of citation names string:
curl -X POST -d "names=J. Doe, J. Smith and B. M. Jackson" localhost:8070/api/processCitationNames
which will return:
<persName xmlns="">
<forename type="first">J</forename>
<persName xmlns="">
<forename type="first">J</forename>
<persName xmlns="">
<forename type="first">B</forename>
<forename type="middle">M</forename>
Parse a raw sequence of affiliations with or without address and return the corresponding normalized affiliations with address in TEI format.
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST, PUT | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | application/xml | affiliations | required | sequence of affiliations+addresses to be parsed as raw string |
You can test this service with the cURL command lines, for instance parsing of a raw affiliation string:
curl -X POST -d "affiliations=Stanford University, California, USA" localhost:8070/api/processAffiliations
which will return:
<orgName type="institution">Stanford University</orgName>
<country key="US">USA</country>
Parse a raw bibliographical reference (in isolation) and return the corresponding normalized bibliographical reference in TEI format.
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST, PUT | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | application/xml | citations | required | bibliographical reference to be parsed as raw string |
| | | consolidateCitations | optional | consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate the citation) |
You can test this service with the cURL command lines, for instance parsing of a raw bibliographical reference string in isolation without consolidation (default value):
curl -X POST -d "citations=Graff, Expert. Opin. Ther. Targets (2002) 6(1): 103-113" localhost:8070/api/processCitation
which will return:
<biblStruct >
<persName xmlns=""><surname>Graff</surname></persName>
<title level="j">Expert. Opin. Ther. Targets</title>
<biblScope unit="volume">6</biblScope>
<biblScope unit="issue">1</biblScope>
<biblScope unit="page" from="103" to="113" />
<date type="published" when="2002" />
PDF annotation services
Return JSON annotations with coordinates in the PDF to be processed, relative to the reference informations: reference callouts with links to the full bibliographical reference and bibliographical reference with possible external URL.
As the annotations are provided for dynamic display on top a PDF rendered in javascript, no PDF is harmed during these processes !
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST | multipart/form-data | application/json | input | required | PDF file to be processed, returned coordinates will reference this PDF |
| | | consolidateCitations | optional | consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate the citation) |
Return the PDF augmented with PDF annotations relative to the reference informations: reference callouts with links to the full bibliographical reference and bibliographical reference with possible external URL.
Note that this service modify the original PDF, and thus be careful with legal right and reusability of such augmented PDF! For this reason, this service is proposed for experimental purposes and might be deprecated in future version of GROBID, in favor of the above /api/referenceAnnotations
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST | multipart/form-data | application/pdf | input | required | PDF file to be processed |
| | | consolidateCitations | optional | consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate the citation) |
Citation extraction and normalization from patents
Extract and parse the patent and non patent citations in the description of a patent publication sent as UTF-8 text. Results are returned as a list of TEI citations.
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST, PUT | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | application/xml | input | required | patent text to be processed as raw string |
| | | consolidateCitations | optional | consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate the citation) |
You can test this service with the cURL command lines, for instance parsing of a raw bibliographical reference string in isolation without consolidation (default value):
curl -X POST -d "input=In EP0123456B1 nothing interesting." localhost:8070/api/processCitationPatentTXT
which will return:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<teiHeader />
<div id="_mWYp9Fa">In EP0123456B1 nothing interesting.</div>
<div type="references">
<biblStruct type="patent" status="publication">
<orgName type="regional">EP</orgName>
<idno type="docNumber" subtype="epodoc">0123456</idno>
<idno type="docNumber" subtype="original">0123456</idno>
<classCode scheme="kindCode">B1</classCode>
<ptr target="#string-range('mWYp9Fa',5,9)"></ptr>
Extract and parse the patent and non patent citations in the description of a patent publication encoded in TEI (Patent Document Model). Results are added to the original document as TEI stand-off annotations.
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST, PUT | multipart/form-data | application/xml | input | required | TEI file of the patent document to be processed |
| | | consolidateCitations | optional | consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate the citation) |
Extract and parse the patent and non patent citations in the description of a patent publication encoded in ST.36. Results are returned as a list of TEI citations.
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST, PUT | multipart/form-data | application/xml | input | required | XML file in ST36 standard of the patent document to be processed |
| | | consolidateCitations | optional | consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate the citation) |
Extract and parse the patent and non patent citations in the description of a patent publication sent as PDF. Results are returned as a list of TEI citations. Note that the text layer must be available in the PDF to be processed (which is, surprisingly in this century, very rarely the case with the PDF avaialble from the main patent offices - however the patent publications that can be downloaded from Google Patents for instance have been processed by a good quality OCR).
Extract and parse the patent and non patent citations in the description of a patent encoded in ST.36. Results are returned as a lits of TEI citations.
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST, PUT | multipart/form-data | application/xml | input | required | PDF file of the patent document to be processed |
| | | consolidateCitations | optional | consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate the citation) |
This service is similar to
but for a patent document in PDF. JSON annotations relative the the input PDF are returned with coordinates as described in the page
Coordinates of structures in the original PDF.
Patent and non patent citations can be directly visualised on the PDF layout as illustrated by the GROBID console. For patent citations, the provided external reference informations are based on the patent number normalisation and relies on Espacenet, the patent access application from the European Patent office. For non patent citation, the external references are similar as for a scientific article (CorssRef DOI link or if an arXiv ID is present).
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST | multipart/form-data | application/json | input | required | Patent publication PDF file to be processed, returned coordinates will reference this PDF |
| | | consolidateCitations | optional | consolidateCitations is a string of value 0 (no consolidation, default value) or 1 (consolidate the citation) |
Administration services
Configuration of the password for the service adminstration
A password is required to access the administration page under the Admin
tab in the console. The default password for the administration console is admin.
For security, the password is saved as SHA1 hash in the file grobid-service/src/main/conf/
with the property name
To change the password, you can replace this property value by the SHA1 hash generated for your new password of choice. To generate the SHA1 from any <input_string>
, you can use the corresponding Grobid REST service available at:
See below for the /api/sha1
service description.
Request to get parameters of
formatted in html table.
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | text/html | sha1 | required | Administration password hashed using sha1 |
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
GET | string | text/html | sha1 | required | Administration password hashed using sha1 |
Example of usage with GET method: /api/admin?sha1=<pwd>
Request to get an input string hashed using sha1.
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | text/html | sha1 | required | String (password) to be hashed using sha1 |
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
GET | string | text/html | sha1 | required | String (password) to be hashed using sha1 |
Example of usage with GET method: /api/sha1?sha1=<pwd>
Request to get all properties key/value/type as XML.
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | text/html | sha1 | required | Administration password hashed using sha1 |
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
GET | string | text/html | sha1 | required | Administration password hashed using sha1 |
Example of usage with GET method: /api/allProperties?sha1=<password>
Sent xml follow the following schema:
Change the property value from the property key passed in the xml input.
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
POST | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | text/html | xml | required | XML input specifying the administrative password hashed using sha1 and a new property/value following the schema below |
method | request type | response type | parameters | requirement | description |
GET | string | text/html | xml | required | XML input specifying the administrative password hashed using sha1 and a new property/value following the schema below |
Example of usage with GET method: /api/changePropertyValue?xml=<some_xml>
XML input has to follow the following schema:
Parallel mode
The Grobid RESTful API provides a very efficient way to use the library out of the box, because the service exploits multithreading.
The service can work following two modes:
- Parallel execution (default): a pool of threads is used to process requests in parallel. The following property must be set to true in the file grobid-home/config/
As Grobid is thread safe and manages a pool of parser instances, it is also possible to use several threads to call the REST service. This improves considerably the performance of the services for PDF processing because documents can be processed while other are uploaded.
- Sequencial execution: a single Grobid instance is used and process the requests as a queue. The following property must be set to false in the file grobid-home/config/
This mode is adapted for server running with a low amount of RAM, for instance less than 2GB, otherwise the default parallel execution must be used.
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